For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the sojourner, giving him food and clothing.
- Deuteronomy 10:17-18
Any whole is more than the sum of its parts. This thesis would not have been possible if not for the social support (in all its forms) of these people, although this list is by no means exhaustive.
- Dr. Choo Hyekyung, my academic supervisor, for always being encouraging, and offering sound advice and so much assistance!
- Both Mummy and Papa, for always supporting me to do social work.
- Papa, for teaching me the value of discipline, hard work and excellence.
- Mummy, for showing your love by always asking ‘Have you eaten?’ when I come home from a long day working on the thesis.
- Lide, for believing in what I do, and for your desire to contribute with areas that you are gifted at.
- My darling nieces. Michelle, this piece of work may be a bit hard for you to understand at the moment, but I pray it captures my heart for social work and inspires you to do the same in the future. Mavis, for being so absolutely adorable and being understanding when I cannot spend time with you because I was busy with this thesis. Someday, you will do something like that too.
- Diana Caiying, for being my source of joy, in all your different ways. Thank you for loving me.
- Alexis, Cindy, Jeannie, Kaiyin, Lydia, Rachel Choo, Rachel Lim, Rebecca Huang, Xinyan, Yuan and my other Honours classmates for making Honours year such a happy time and for inspiring me with your passion for social work.
- Edgar, James and Jeremy, for your deep brotherly love, and for always walking with me towards becoming a man of wisdom and kindness.
- My Navigators GC, for praying for me and keeping me in your hearts.
- My brothers and sisters in Christ from Singapore Life Church, for your concern and love.
- Hobbit, for being a great companion for such a large part of my university life.
- My other friends, whom I have no space to list here, for being there when I needed catharsis, and for often offering your support.
- For my interview respondents, for being so willing to share so deeply with a virtual stranger about your lives and for the strength you show in facing each day. May you continue to find within yourself that same strength for the rest of your days.
- Lord Jesus, You are truly my reason for doing social work. Thank You for Your unconditional love to the despised, neglected and forgotten.
The above is what I wrote in my acknowledgments section inside my thesis. Enjoy! :)
Liren, this is very very heartwarming. :) I like the photographs. :) Did u attach them into ur thesis? Aww, i enjoyed the support all of us shared during this time. my final yr in nus is so so so much more fun with all of you around. :) I love my class!!
awwwwwwwwwww buddeeee :) hugss.
was that really you back then?? miss you!