I am not like Cindy
I am not like Cindy. I don't kope whole blog posts from other people regularly. :p Okay, at least i TRY not to. heh. photos!
Kaiyin wearing Cindy's skates for her.
I wear my own skates. I am not like Cindy.
Cindy skates on her own. I cannot skate on my own and I've already come out of the rink. I am not like Cindy.
This is Kaiyin in the background. This was a classic cartoon scene.. when the iceskater loses her balance and is waving her hands frantically in the air. I was busy being concerned for Kaiyin and taking a picture of her falling down. So that she can learn and not fall down again in the future. I don't laugh at my friends who are falling. I am not like Cindy.
Cool shot? Cindy skating and the whole world zooms past her. This shot was easy to take. Cos the whole world was going fast, but Cindy was going very slow. At least Cindy skated, not like me who gave up after a while cos the ankle hurt. I am not like Cindy.
Cindy trying to cuddle up to Alexis who really looks quite scared and repulsed but is trying to put on a smile. I don't cuddle randomly. I am not like Cindy.
The 3 pretty girls taking a foto. They look stable, but actually they are clinging on for dear life. Erm. I am not like Cindy?
haha, liren, this post made me LAUGH OUT LOUD! :P
My goodness! Ren you are sooooo funny!