The (Chicken) Essence of Life
One of the NTUC supermarkets in the East side of Singapore has a huge Brand's Chicken Essence advertisement plastered on one of its walls outside. Every single day when I walk to office from the bus stop, I'll never fail to walk past it.
And since work is so tiring, one day I just casually thought maybe I should take chicken essence to raise my attention levels. And then I realised...
People take chicken essence to boost their performances at crucial times. In fact, Brand's uses PSLE top students to advertise for them. You see, in a student's life, there are lull periods and then there are periods that you need to peak your performance to hit the high just at the right time. So you take chicken essence.
I tried to think of a time I would need it, and then I realise, from now on, my life either needs chicken essence every damned day, or it never needs it at all. Our lives now have no times that are more important or less important. At work, you're expected to perform every day, work well every day, be in good condition every day. No more days when you can slack, and days when you can pia.
So it's either chicken essence every day, or no day at all. And cos I don't earn very much as a social worker, i guess it's the latter. :)
And since work is so tiring, one day I just casually thought maybe I should take chicken essence to raise my attention levels. And then I realised...
People take chicken essence to boost their performances at crucial times. In fact, Brand's uses PSLE top students to advertise for them. You see, in a student's life, there are lull periods and then there are periods that you need to peak your performance to hit the high just at the right time. So you take chicken essence.
I tried to think of a time I would need it, and then I realise, from now on, my life either needs chicken essence every damned day, or it never needs it at all. Our lives now have no times that are more important or less important. At work, you're expected to perform every day, work well every day, be in good condition every day. No more days when you can slack, and days when you can pia.
So it's either chicken essence every day, or no day at all. And cos I don't earn very much as a social worker, i guess it's the latter. :)
how about thinking it as.. taking chicken essence on the days where you NEED an extra boost to ensure that you're in good condition. otherwise you would be performing below normally-good conditions. haha. that's my rationale.
oopsies. xy here.