Endings are for gratitude, beginnings are for faith
The embrace may be only with the heart, or it may be with the arms, depending on proximity and the degree of emotion. But in either case gratitude embraces a person with glad affections for past goodwill aimed at helping us; and faith embraces a person with glad affections for future promises aimed at helping us.
Since every moment is the beginning of the rest of your life, and every moment is the end of the past, every moment should be governed by the glad affections of both gratitude and faith.
The practical implications of this are great.. gratitude is one of the humblest affections; and faith is one of the boldest.. don't just think about it. Pursue it - with all your mind and all your heart!
Since every moment is the beginning of the rest of your life, and every moment is the end of the past, every moment should be governed by the glad affections of both gratitude and faith.
The practical implications of this are great.. gratitude is one of the humblest affections; and faith is one of the boldest.. don't just think about it. Pursue it - with all your mind and all your heart!
- John Piper
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