Mid way through my 2 week road trip

Arthur's Pass.. it snowed LIKE MAD!!! and the snow when it covers the ground.. it looks simply awesome i tell ya!
Fox Glacier. In the middle of my glacier climb! Walking through a glacier cave! Err.. crawling more like it.. haha..
On the 'peak-point' of our shaggifying half day climb up.. with WeiHao.. hehz..
In the middle of a crevass.. i nearly fell to my death here, btw.. it was pretty scary not to haf a grip on the ground (it was ice) and in between the walls (it was ice, too)
Lake Matheson.. New Zealand's most photographed lake.. cos of the awesome awesome awesome reflections of the mountains in the crystal clear lake.. it's like a mirror!
Haha.. yearh.. that's all for now.. plenty more pics coming up.. visiting some awesome places soon.. stay tuned!
btw, i'll tell ya next time what i did today! *wink*
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