Almost at the end of my 2 week roadtrip
Oh well, was due to go down to Stewart Island today, but apparently the wind's too strong and the seas are too choppy and the ferry service aint operating.. so we changed plans and tomorrow we're going up north towards Dunedin.
At the request of Rebecca, I shall now put up some GROUP photos.. cos she say she's very sad that I didn't put up any photos with her in them.. here goes!
At the request of Rebecca, I shall now put up some GROUP photos.. cos she say she's very sad that I didn't put up any photos with her in them.. here goes!

You see, I told you guys in my previous post I'd tell you what I did last Saturday right? Hmm.. Here goes.. brace yourselves!!!

It was crazy man. Especially cos I was the third person to get out of the plane.. after seeing Wei Hao and Rebecca fly off the edge and disappear into the distance.. I thought to myself.. what the heck am I doing here??
But yearh.. seeing the video of the freefall still makes my heart pound and my body shiver.. even after a week! One of those things you just gotta do once in a lifetime! Woohoo!!
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