Imagine today you have a daughter.
She's doing the worst things you ever imagined a girl could do.
She screws around.
She does drugs.
She beats up random other young girls on the street.
She screams at your wife (her mom) whenever she's home.
Heck, when she's out there with her friends, she doesn't even want to acknowledge you. The one time you tried to find her when she was out till late at night, she spat at your face and walked away.
Somehow, you know she's struggling with something in life, and yet because of her attitude towards you, you can't confront her with that issue.
She's doing the worst things you ever imagined a girl could do.
She screws around.
She does drugs.
She beats up random other young girls on the street.
She screams at your wife (her mom) whenever she's home.
Heck, when she's out there with her friends, she doesn't even want to acknowledge you. The one time you tried to find her when she was out till late at night, she spat at your face and walked away.
Somehow, you know she's struggling with something in life, and yet because of her attitude towards you, you can't confront her with that issue.
Taking a straw poll here.
What would be in your heart as you look at your beloved daughter?
What would be in your heart as you look at your beloved daughter?
Leave comments here please, my dear readers of my very public blog. And do leave your name as well.
I just want to see what people nowadays think of the heart of fathers. (Maybe I should go check out the agency Centre for Fathering in Singapore.. haha)
Don't leave this site without telling me what you think this father has on his heart.
I really want to know. Really.
Don't leave this site without telling me what you think this father has on his heart.
I really want to know. Really.
if there's anything wrong with the daughter, it all comes from the parents. A daughter is a product of the care that you've given her for 10, 20 years? The father spend 10 years with her, before she got influenced by any outsiders, maybe for a few months. So why does the girl turns out this way? Why must you wait for something to go wrong, then you do something to it.
she is, afterall, my daughter.
and i love her.
If such a thing happened, what'd be in my heart?
I'd be in a lot of pain.
I'd be in guilt.
I would probably be furious with myself, as the first anon fellow said, it's surely got something to do with the way I'd brought her up too. Her mistakes are mine as her failures have their roots in mine, too.
But most of all, I'd feel helpless, as I want to approach her and say that even if I can't better her situation, I could at the very least, provide a shoulder to rest on, to draw strength from, and that I love her.
Like Viggy,
If I am a father (not that THAT would ever be possible) I'd feel what vig would feel - guilt, pain, hopeless, very sad. This would where love hurts till you'd do anything you can possibly do just to get to talk to you! That's the first thing I want to do as a parent. Inasmuch as I want to fix things, I would want more for my child to know that I love her and that she can be free to tell me whatever it is that she's going through. not for my ego but for OUR relationship as parent and child.
I'd hurt sooooo much to see that happens. But in reality, I've probably been (almost near) that daughter u mention before. And I know the agony I've caused my parents. And I know it hurts like crazy. More than just disciplining me to make me a better person, I know they want to love me, they want to connect with me, they want to shower me with all that they have. Their hearts are filled with love but I just wouldn't receive. So, liren, if you want to know how a father would feel, a close example would be: how u'd feel if u want to love someone with all your heart but that person rejects you in the cruelest way (s)he can!
Ouch trully!
Oh my, i may not be a parent yet, but I feel like crying now! :(
wow.. u guys have some deep insight.. keep the comments coming.. wanna know more.. i don't want solutions or throwing responsibility.. i just want to know what you guys think is on the heart of this father..