Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine


I found my dream job... take a look!

YWAM Singapore Children At-Risk School


CARThe Children at Risk school (CAR) is for those who want to become advocates for at-risk children around the world. CAR is a six to nine month study track teaching specific skills needed for working with orphans, the disabled, refugees, and street children. The goal of the school is to multiply leaders who will champion the cause of children through social, political, judicial and spiritual intervention. Students experience God’s heart for justice, defending the cause of the fatherless, rescuing the poor, the weak and the oppressed. Successful completion of the school will earn 32-36 UofN credits.

Course Content

Course content will be taught by ministry and social service professionals experienced in helping at-risk children. The lecture phase includes teachings on special problems of at-risk children, including the abused child, the institutionalized child, and children with attachment disorders. It also includes teachings on how God values children, strategies for ministering to hurting kids and how a child's cultural, social, and spiritual environment affects behavior, physical and emotional development. Topics covered during the school will be:

• Overview of the issues and needs of at-risk children
• Biblical worldview of children and their development
• Principles of child advocacy
• Assessment and evaluation
• Attachment disorders
• The institutionalized child

Field Assignment

During the field assignment you will work with ministries, government agencies, non-government organizations (NGOs) and YWAM ministries that serve needy children. You will test principles learned in the classroom and develop further skills for working with children through research, hands-on practice and real life case studies.

You Need To Know

It's my dream job.. travelling everywhere and helping to save one or two childrens' lives..Like the World Vision job i told some of u guys about some time back.. bring them alternatives to the brothels and breaking bricks on the streets.. doing more than just giving food, blankets or bringing them out to play.. i still insist i wanna hug them.. cos hugs DO make a difference.. :) but first it requires me to go through DTS (Discipleship Training School), read 6 months residential program with 6weeks on overseas work focussed on personal character building.. and then this program will take me another 9months to complete.. i certainly can't do it now.. but if I take up my NCSS scholarship (if they offer it to me), I can't do this course when I graduate either..

Lord, Lord.. You called me to serve the poor.. Where will I go? Where will You send me?


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