Friend(s) Feature
The pre-cooked food was nonsense, the barbecued meats like the baby beef, garlic beef and the lamb were absolutely fantastic. We surely didn't eat $40 worth of food per person, but we stayed until the restaurant closed, and then stayed some more till 1:30am when I had to be in the office the next day at 9:30am.
We stayed so long because the conversation was wonderful. I miss conversations with my brothers James and Edgar, how our wavelengths click, how we are insightful into different areas of our own but we compliment each other well.
We stayed so long because the conversation was wonderful. I miss conversations with my brothers James and Edgar, how our wavelengths click, how we are insightful into different areas of our own but we compliment each other well.
What would we do if money was not a problem? How would he bring up his kids if his business booms and one day he's worth $150 million? What do we really want to do with our lives and what we know?
One thing is in common: we want to make the world a better place. One thinks about culture and would probably make a good politician. One is in business and has a heart to earn enough to employ the thousands of Christians in societies where Christians are looked down upon.
What would you talk to the youth of the next generation about? I'd like to help them come to terms with their past so that they can embrace their future. He'd like to discuss about not wasting their lives on frivolous things. And another would like to share with them about friendship.
It's an incredibly lonely culture we live in. Many go through life without a single person they could talk to if they ran into trouble with their real deep personal life. Many less have friends whom they could fully entrust their lives to and know that their friend would give anything to save it. There's a need for young people to raise the qualities of their friendships and relationships with people, to purposefully share and do things that would sharpen one another. But we are so lost in our busy-ness and pursuit of every other thing, that we don't even find a need to connect to somebody else. Christians think of it in terms of fellowship, but fellowship has evolved into a term that is synonymous with accountability. It is not. Fellowship is about giving and receiving love. On its own, it has nothing to do with doing the right or wrong thing, which is what accountability is about. Confidence is result and behaviour-oriented, comfort is relationship and people-oriented.
And guess what. That paragraph was spoken by the 3 of us, each one adding and enriching the previous person's thoughts.
That's what friendship is about. And I'm glad I have it. Here.
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