Gotta pen this down before the intensity of the emotions dissipates.
I just terminated a client.
I had intended to bring up the topic of termination just so that I could ease him into the process of cutting off our counseling relationship. I thought I'd at least have 1 more session with him and imagined him having some termination anxiety. How wrong. He was more prepared than me to terminate and was absolutely fine with it. In his words, he said he had wanted to see a counselor because he was going through a crisis. Now that the crisis has stabilised, he shares that he as always been coping and there was no reason why he will not be able to cope now. *Liren smiles a satisfied smile to himself at client's resilience*
It turned out that termination was more of MY issue. I had some anxiety about it because it was, for me, THE case. It was my most complicated case thus far, and I think for me, working with him forced me to think about many issues. And it taught me many things too. Many of the issues we learn about in school was placed before me IN MY FACE. :)
1. People can cope. But they need to come to terms with their past in order to cope with their present. That's the difficult part.
2. Just talking and having someone listen to you non-judgmentally is therapeutic.
3. Church sucks, God rocks. I hope God rocks the sucky church.
4. Life is deep. People can be super deep without counselors and without much education.
5. Reality is reality. Psychological research is academia.
6. Hiding is our greatest skill.
And some other things that I can't mention here cos they are more detailed and I don't want to compromise confidentiality.
I just terminated a client.
I had intended to bring up the topic of termination just so that I could ease him into the process of cutting off our counseling relationship. I thought I'd at least have 1 more session with him and imagined him having some termination anxiety. How wrong. He was more prepared than me to terminate and was absolutely fine with it. In his words, he said he had wanted to see a counselor because he was going through a crisis. Now that the crisis has stabilised, he shares that he as always been coping and there was no reason why he will not be able to cope now. *Liren smiles a satisfied smile to himself at client's resilience*
It turned out that termination was more of MY issue. I had some anxiety about it because it was, for me, THE case. It was my most complicated case thus far, and I think for me, working with him forced me to think about many issues. And it taught me many things too. Many of the issues we learn about in school was placed before me IN MY FACE. :)
1. People can cope. But they need to come to terms with their past in order to cope with their present. That's the difficult part.
2. Just talking and having someone listen to you non-judgmentally is therapeutic.
3. Church sucks, God rocks. I hope God rocks the sucky church.
4. Life is deep. People can be super deep without counselors and without much education.
5. Reality is reality. Psychological research is academia.
6. Hiding is our greatest skill.
And some other things that I can't mention here cos they are more detailed and I don't want to compromise confidentiality.
"3. Church sucks, God rocks. I hope God rocks the sucky church."
well, no church is perfect, we all know but find it hard to accept. at one pt, i did seriously consider leaving my church. but as i prayed and seeked God's direction in this, God reminded me that 1) He placed me in this church, 2)No church is perfect, 3)Stay here long enough to see how I will work.
and i'm glad i stayed. :) God is working in His church ever more so mightily in these last days.
I dunno whats ur situation and i dont claim to know or give advice. But u're rite, man and institutions can/ and will fail us, but God never. He can use imperfect beings liek us and imperfect things for His glory. Actually that's what so amazing about this God!
We are just jars of clay. :)
It's interesting that you chose to comment on this small point even though there were many other points in the article, many which are much more pertinent.
At this point, I'm not afraid to say, I don't even think the church is merely imperfect. Imperfect means most of it is well and small parts are bad. I think way too much of the church is bad and for a faith that professes to believe in the One True God, there is way too little good.
It's not just imperfect, it's rotten! But that's just cos it's human. We are of no escape from the shit that christians call sin. God still rocks, cos there ain't no sin in that guy.
If only. Let's start with the basics. Such as unconditional acceptance.
I like your summary. Btw, U do realise Ser is Serene right? Both of you sounded like strangers to one another.
haha ya i think Liren knows la. my pic is there ma!
point taken. i can see why u think that way after reading the disgust and delight post.
it is hard to understand why the church is so ignorant and naive when they should be the ones who should know what suffering really is.and acceptance, unconditional love. :(
i get ur point now. :)