Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine

Mondays with Yannie

So we settled down at the cafe after a simple dinner at the food court. It was one of the better food-court-bak-chor-mee's I had eaten though.

And how fitting that we should be served by a waiter who was mildly disabled, fully confident in his enthusiastic, dignified and attentive service. And how interesting that his service set the tone for our conversation as we both settled into our seats remarking how we could see the fullness of human dignity in him.

'Do we love someone for the qualities he has, or do we love the feeling they give us?'

'I think it's possible to fall in love with the feeling of falling in love. Maybe that's why some people go into serial relationships, one after another. They love the feeling of love, which is why they can jump around without much regard of who the lover is.'

'But if we love the feeling that the interactions give us, aren't we also loving a part of that person as well? After all, it is who he is that gives us the feeling embedded in the interaction.'

'Hmm. Maybe there isn't really a line between loving someone and loving the feeling he gives us. Perhaps it is a dance, because in a dance, the two flow in perfect synchrony. There are no boundaries between the leader and the follower, between the initiator and the responder, between one dancer and his partner. But that's in an ideal world. That's utopia.'


'And in a perfect world, we don't step on each others' toes when we dance.'

'So if we love someone for his qualities, what happens when those qualities change?'

'So the question is, how is a person defined? If we are not defined by our jobs, by our place in society, by relationships, by our families, what are we defined by?'

'Maybe there is a core at the centre of each person's being.'

'And is that changeable? Can it be defined? What is this core? Does it change when external things change? How do we describe it?'


'It is an important question, and a scary one too. Because if I can't answer that question, maybe it means I don't really know who I am.'

*pause* and we both stare at our coffee.

'So who are you?'

'I don't know. Who are you?'

'I don't know either. Perhaps at the core of our being is a desire for love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. I think all of our lives' endeavours are channeled towards these things.'

'So at the core of our being, is a desire.'


'Oh man. I love this conversation. It's so OHMMMM.'

'So do I.'

Welcome, to Mondays with Yannie.


  1. paul said...

    somehow this post just draws me back to the MCYS advert.

    "in the end it is this small things that you remember, these little imperfections that make them perfect."

  2. Anonymous said...

    when you decide to love someone, you have to love that person because he/she exists. otherwise, love will always be fleeting. if you love him/her for looks/qualities/abilities/feelings they inspire in you/whatever else, these characteristics are all subject to change. once they do (change), then your love would cease to exist. if you love someone because of these, then you don't have to worry when that love fades, because those reasons (or at least some of them) would've faded at the same time. but for true love - in my dictionary - you love that person for his/her existence.

    and yes, that was a pretty great conversation!


  3. Anonymous said...

    People always say you love the person for who he is. The present tense of the word is conottates that you love a person for the present not the past. It is then a concious decision to choose to keep loving the person for who he or she is today. While in the present, limited by our daily interactions with the person, we can only choose to love the person, maybe in part for the feelings he or she brings, his or her qualities and characteristics, there exists an inner core that we choose to believe is him or her. As long as that belief is there, the relationship lasts. Though the core will only be known to us when adversity strikes, on when one day, when we meet our maker. Love then, rightly said, is a dance. Even when sometimes we step on each others toes, so long we hold on to each other's hands. -Ed

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