2 weeks as a social worker
Alright, so it's been half a month as a social worker. I must say, it's been a very good journey so far. I quite enjoy the colleagues, although I think it still takes more time to warm up. But I really feel very welcomed, and I think this is a good place to really be a social worker. It's a very professional place, at least that's my hunch.
I've already started seeing cases. Given the number of cases I am handling, I think almost every day is see-case day. If I don't have a case session in office, I'd probably have to meet the client for home visit. I'm glad I came here, I have so many chances to hone my counselling skills. Like 2-3 chances every day? :)
I'm starting to realise that having theory at our finger tips is really very important. My two cases yesterday were really cases involving having to galvanise their social support resources to support them through their difficult transition periods. Having theory on hand really helps us to think clearly about the situation, and not to be disturbed by 'noise'. By noise, I don't really mean physical sounds, but just bits of information you get here and there from reading the client's documents, or even information that the client feeds to us. If we didn't have theory to guide our thinking, we'll be dragged all over the shop by the client. Cos we're supposed to be the one to think clearly, we can't expect the client in crisis to do that.
I'm enjoying my job! :)
But arh, honestly, working life is DAMN tiring. Waking up at 7am every day is seriously no joke. And staring at a computer screen all day until 545pm. My gosh. In between, we have sessions with clients that require total and full concentration, and what counsellors call 'presence'. We have to be present with the client in the room. Fwah. Super shack.
I've already started seeing cases. Given the number of cases I am handling, I think almost every day is see-case day. If I don't have a case session in office, I'd probably have to meet the client for home visit. I'm glad I came here, I have so many chances to hone my counselling skills. Like 2-3 chances every day? :)
I'm starting to realise that having theory at our finger tips is really very important. My two cases yesterday were really cases involving having to galvanise their social support resources to support them through their difficult transition periods. Having theory on hand really helps us to think clearly about the situation, and not to be disturbed by 'noise'. By noise, I don't really mean physical sounds, but just bits of information you get here and there from reading the client's documents, or even information that the client feeds to us. If we didn't have theory to guide our thinking, we'll be dragged all over the shop by the client. Cos we're supposed to be the one to think clearly, we can't expect the client in crisis to do that.
I'm enjoying my job! :)
But arh, honestly, working life is DAMN tiring. Waking up at 7am every day is seriously no joke. And staring at a computer screen all day until 545pm. My gosh. In between, we have sessions with clients that require total and full concentration, and what counsellors call 'presence'. We have to be present with the client in the room. Fwah. Super shack.
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