The 3-day-old social worker
And so, the cases do come fast and furious. In the space of 2 hours today, I got more cases than I got in the whole 3 months that I was at Reach on placement. Yay. I haf a total of 12 cases now, and I'll have more than 40 in total in time to come.
I've got some, erm, interesting cases. When I came here, I was wondering if I'd get to do some work relating to my thesis subjects. When I looked at the profile of the clients, I thought to myself 'hmm. no chance le la.'
But today, the first case handed to me (meaning not cases handed down my the social worker i'm replacing) was one involving a PRC woman. Wow. I wonder if God is behind all of this, showing me in His own little ways this is where He wants me to be.
It's been a pretty boring 3 days. *yawn* But I know soon I will not even have a second to breathe. I should treasure it. But then, in these 3 days, I think it's given me some insight into the agency.
- the office is quite quiet.. ppl do their own things on their own and don't talk too much
- boss isn't scary like paula claims, in fact she's quite friendly
- the agency is really quite professional, theory-driven and it really just wants to do social work
- the agency focuses a lot on supervision
- i think.. i'm in a good place. that's if i don't die from stress next week.
Caiying! buy me some zha ji pa from taiwan to de-stress!! :p
I've got some, erm, interesting cases. When I came here, I was wondering if I'd get to do some work relating to my thesis subjects. When I looked at the profile of the clients, I thought to myself 'hmm. no chance le la.'
But today, the first case handed to me (meaning not cases handed down my the social worker i'm replacing) was one involving a PRC woman. Wow. I wonder if God is behind all of this, showing me in His own little ways this is where He wants me to be.
It's been a pretty boring 3 days. *yawn* But I know soon I will not even have a second to breathe. I should treasure it. But then, in these 3 days, I think it's given me some insight into the agency.
- the office is quite quiet.. ppl do their own things on their own and don't talk too much
- boss isn't scary like paula claims, in fact she's quite friendly
- the agency is really quite professional, theory-driven and it really just wants to do social work
- the agency focuses a lot on supervision
- i think.. i'm in a good place. that's if i don't die from stress next week.
Caiying! buy me some zha ji pa from taiwan to de-stress!! :p
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