The wonders *yawn* of HDB living
Alright. *yawn* The govt encourages us to have neighbourly *yawn* interactions with our neighbours, to build up the community spirit, and the nation's *yawn* resilience in times of crisis (such as when a random terrorist decides to *yawn* climb and jump out of the window of his jail's toilet).
I think my neighbours really believe in it man. *yawn* Like, really. They really insist on helping me to understand that they are the ones *yawn* living next door to me. Especially at 630am in the morning when I am still asleep. *yawn*

And so, this is the arrangement of my corridor. *yawn* And so, at 630am every morning *yawn*, I'd get woken up by a conversation that sounds typically like this:
'Eh! Can faster or not?!'
'Wait la! I need to take my bun!'
'You mean you haven't eaten your breakfast yet?'
'Huh. Why you always so slow wan?'
'Wait for me to wear my shoe, can?'
'Children, can you be faster? You're gonna be late for school!'
'Did you hear your daddy? You're going to be late! I always try to wake you guys up early, but you refuse to get out of bed!'
'Aiya, mummy! tired ma!'
'Who ask you don't sleep earlier? on the computer the whole night? Huh? Whose fault is it?'
'Ok ok! Let's go let's go. late oredi.'
And so, I get woken up early in the mornings *yawn* by this family's early morning, erm, interactions. It gets quite disturbing, if not downright irritating *yawn* at times.
This calls for drastic measures.

*yawn* I don't intend to wake up at 630am to tell them to shut up. I'm gonna stick this on their door later tonight.*yawn*
It sure sounds a lot friendlier than screaming: 'Hey! You there! Can you all f**king keep quiet cos it's f**king 630am in the morning!!??!!'
Talk about community *yawn* work and social action. So that I can enjoy a few more minutes *yawn* of inaction in my bed in the mornings.
I think my neighbours really believe in it man. *yawn* Like, really. They really insist on helping me to understand that they are the ones *yawn* living next door to me. Especially at 630am in the morning when I am still asleep. *yawn*
And so, this is the arrangement of my corridor. *yawn* And so, at 630am every morning *yawn*, I'd get woken up by a conversation that sounds typically like this:
'Eh! Can faster or not?!'
'Wait la! I need to take my bun!'
'You mean you haven't eaten your breakfast yet?'
'Huh. Why you always so slow wan?'
'Wait for me to wear my shoe, can?'
'Children, can you be faster? You're gonna be late for school!'
'Did you hear your daddy? You're going to be late! I always try to wake you guys up early, but you refuse to get out of bed!'
'Aiya, mummy! tired ma!'
'Who ask you don't sleep earlier? on the computer the whole night? Huh? Whose fault is it?'
'Ok ok! Let's go let's go. late oredi.'
And so, I get woken up early in the mornings *yawn* by this family's early morning, erm, interactions. It gets quite disturbing, if not downright irritating *yawn* at times.
This calls for drastic measures.
*yawn* I don't intend to wake up at 630am to tell them to shut up. I'm gonna stick this on their door later tonight.*yawn*
It sure sounds a lot friendlier than screaming: 'Hey! You there! Can you all f**king keep quiet cos it's f**king 630am in the morning!!??!!'
Talk about community *yawn* work and social action. So that I can enjoy a few more minutes *yawn* of inaction in my bed in the mornings.
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