Outlook makes a difference
It really does.
I realised that as I am working on the data analysis for my thesis. At the moment, I have been doing so much coding that when I read the interview text, I can actually hear the voices of the particular Study Mother in my head. Somebody save me.
But because of that, I also realised that one's outlook makes so much difference. I coded 2 interviews one after another. One of them was this ultra-negative, i-hate-singapore-and-i-hate-you, singapore-sucks, china-rocks-big-time, PRCs-are-just-better-don't-you-dare-argue-about-that-with-me Study Mother. Some of you know that she even launched a few attacks at me during our 50-minute interview. The other was a wonderful lady, happy, cheerful, and it was a total joy to chat with her, and even coding her interview made me happy.
What struck me as I was coding was that I was using almost the exact same codes for these two Study Mothers. Their negative experiences here, discrimination, being a clean masseuse, employment, problems with landlords, problems with Singapore policy. They had very very similar experiences. But it was such a stark difference in my mood as I coded the interviews. For one, I really couldn't wait to get it over and done with, but for the other, I just really enjoyed reading her transcript again and again. Wow. What a difference the disposition makes.
Okay, maybe it's also because the happy lady found a good man here and married him. Maybe he makes her happy. Or maybe it's her happiness that attracted him. Maybe we should all learn Jeannie's incredible skill called 'happifying myself'. I definitely should, for one.
To quote Rachoo:
Being in love, and in this relationship is really something to smile about. (This is my blog afterall, so please let me indulge. heehee.) To know that there is someone who is willing to listen when you pick up the phone to call; to look forward to talking about almost nothing important at the end of the day; to be comfortable being yourself, with all it’s idiosyncrasies included; to laugh about things together; to receive an sms in the middle of a long day; to just spend time together, no need for fancy dinners or elaborate plans; and i could go on and on. It is truly a privilege to be able to share life with another person and know that he enjoys it just as much as you do. I know we aren’t exactly extremely expressive about how much we mean to one another in public but rest assured, each day brings new joys for the both of us and definitely new lessons that i (we) hold dear. :)
Woohoo. How could I not agree?
I realised that as I am working on the data analysis for my thesis. At the moment, I have been doing so much coding that when I read the interview text, I can actually hear the voices of the particular Study Mother in my head. Somebody save me.
But because of that, I also realised that one's outlook makes so much difference. I coded 2 interviews one after another. One of them was this ultra-negative, i-hate-singapore-and-i-hate-you, singapore-sucks, china-rocks-big-time, PRCs-are-just-better-don't-you-dare-argue-about-that-with-me Study Mother. Some of you know that she even launched a few attacks at me during our 50-minute interview. The other was a wonderful lady, happy, cheerful, and it was a total joy to chat with her, and even coding her interview made me happy.
What struck me as I was coding was that I was using almost the exact same codes for these two Study Mothers. Their negative experiences here, discrimination, being a clean masseuse, employment, problems with landlords, problems with Singapore policy. They had very very similar experiences. But it was such a stark difference in my mood as I coded the interviews. For one, I really couldn't wait to get it over and done with, but for the other, I just really enjoyed reading her transcript again and again. Wow. What a difference the disposition makes.
Okay, maybe it's also because the happy lady found a good man here and married him. Maybe he makes her happy. Or maybe it's her happiness that attracted him. Maybe we should all learn Jeannie's incredible skill called 'happifying myself'. I definitely should, for one.
To quote Rachoo:
Being in love, and in this relationship is really something to smile about. (This is my blog afterall, so please let me indulge. heehee.) To know that there is someone who is willing to listen when you pick up the phone to call; to look forward to talking about almost nothing important at the end of the day; to be comfortable being yourself, with all it’s idiosyncrasies included; to laugh about things together; to receive an sms in the middle of a long day; to just spend time together, no need for fancy dinners or elaborate plans; and i could go on and on. It is truly a privilege to be able to share life with another person and know that he enjoys it just as much as you do. I know we aren’t exactly extremely expressive about how much we mean to one another in public but rest assured, each day brings new joys for the both of us and definitely new lessons that i (we) hold dear. :)
Woohoo. How could I not agree?
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