Filling with things
Okay, today has been a strange day.
It hasn't been totally horrible, I did do a little bit of reading of 'The Undercover Economist' in the morning, and I met xz for lunch. But maybe I felt like I didn't really have a great time connecting with her when we met? I'm not sure.
After that I slept for a couple of hours, and I woke up to discover that my bro had left the house. And so it's back to the same situation as this morning: I'm alone at home.
I walked around the house, tried to watch some TV but really couldn't watch much. Hung around online, basically did nothing.
And I felt utterly lousy. I don't know what it is. It's a kind of emptiness feeling and I suddenly feel lost.. like i've got nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. Maybe it's cos I feel meaningless when I've got nothing to do. Or maybe there isn't noise at home, there isn't anyone to talk to and connect with. Maybe I'm just missing someone real bad. Maybe I feel crappy being unproductive. Maybe it's cos things have been kind of friction-ish with my mom and dad recently.
I don't know. Hai. I just feel they are working too hard, and I just wished they'd rest more. But then, cos of that I get irritated when I get implicated in it all. Like they'd tell me to rearrange my stuff just so they can squeeze more stuff into e cupboard. Or other stuff. Like now, they've been at the old house for the whole day le. No calls back, nothing. 7:12pm. I'm wondering if I'll have to settle dinner on my own later.
Do guys have PMS also?
It hasn't been totally horrible, I did do a little bit of reading of 'The Undercover Economist' in the morning, and I met xz for lunch. But maybe I felt like I didn't really have a great time connecting with her when we met? I'm not sure.
After that I slept for a couple of hours, and I woke up to discover that my bro had left the house. And so it's back to the same situation as this morning: I'm alone at home.
I walked around the house, tried to watch some TV but really couldn't watch much. Hung around online, basically did nothing.
And I felt utterly lousy. I don't know what it is. It's a kind of emptiness feeling and I suddenly feel lost.. like i've got nothing to do but stare at the ceiling. Maybe it's cos I feel meaningless when I've got nothing to do. Or maybe there isn't noise at home, there isn't anyone to talk to and connect with. Maybe I'm just missing someone real bad. Maybe I feel crappy being unproductive. Maybe it's cos things have been kind of friction-ish with my mom and dad recently.
I don't know. Hai. I just feel they are working too hard, and I just wished they'd rest more. But then, cos of that I get irritated when I get implicated in it all. Like they'd tell me to rearrange my stuff just so they can squeeze more stuff into e cupboard. Or other stuff. Like now, they've been at the old house for the whole day le. No calls back, nothing. 7:12pm. I'm wondering if I'll have to settle dinner on my own later.
Do guys have PMS also?
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