Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine

Swimming Pool Part 2

I realised that perhaps i AM refreshed.

To be frank, I came back from New Zealand wondering what the time there has done for me. Didn't feel totally refreshed, and in fact I came back really tired out from all the nonsense that was going on in the NI trip.

But I had a revelation the other day while I was doing my laps at the pool. Why did I suddenly have the motivation to travel to and from uni everyday, go swimming, buy and read books, take on 1520 (my church's youth group) work, take on teaching Bible study, be relatively consistent in my time with God and everything else that was going on in my life?

I guess perhaps I am feeling quite refreshed from the time in NZ. I learnt so much, and I came back with a wonderful buddy in Rebecca.

Kinda like a camel. I drank my fill. Now i'm hoping it'll last.


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