Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine


Well, after a year of involvement with NUSHA (National University of Singapore Humanitarian Affairs), I have joined, enjoyed, and loved my 1 semester with my new club.. CUHA!!!!

Presenting to you.... the.... *drumroll*


Haha.. these are my classmates from my Social Work Counseling Skills group! As you can see, they're called e Aunties cos there isn't anyone below the age of 45 except me!!! haha.. i'm the youngest there and with my new hair, i probably look like a kid too.. but u see, i love them so much!! let me introduce you to them one by one starting from the back row on the left!

Sandy - incredibly sweet lady, who lent me my backpack when I went on my two week roadtrip around south island! incredible experience in social work, and her compassion flows out like water from a tap when she talks about her work with abused families!

Jane - hahahahahaha... (that's the only response u can make in her presence - she's so ridiculously funny!) she once told us, the best gift she can give to someone is laughter.. and she has certainly proved it! she has said some of the most hilarious lines i have ever heard.. and made me choke on my water! i never fail to laugh like mad every lesson cos of her!

Trich - she has GRANDCHILDREN! haha.. a fierce looking lady at times, but she has her soft spots at times too!

Arch - my HUMONGOUS facilitator. i swear! when u see his wife.. it's quite a contrast!! cos his wife is skinnier than.. erm.. hobbit, jacq, rebecca or any skinny lady u can think of. he's huge, and apparently he's a terrific cook too. the cool thing is he lived and taught English in Singapore in NJC for 16 years before coming back to NZ to be a social worker a few years back! He rocks! cos his understanding of Singapore culture and youths is always spot on!

Me - the youngest and most loved in the class!

Mary - ooh! a lady with tonnes of experience in social work.. she doesnt mince her words when she's talking to us about our performances.. so she rocks! (and she has the most elegant dressing i've seen in kiwi ladies for some time.. always in those cool boots and a nice coat!)

Shirley (in pink)
- haha.. i love Shirley! can you believe it? her son just turned 21! which means he's roughly the same age as me! Shirley gave up her job as a hairdresser to become a social worker, and she's pursuing her studies here full time. She's been sooooooo warm to me.. bringing me to the library on the first day to buy the coursepack, always making an effort to chat with me.. and u noe what? our role plays are always hilarious!!! hahahaha!!! most of all, i enjoy her company and her warmth and acceptance to me!

Margaret - she's adorable! sometimes worries too much about her performance.. but she still rocks!! :)

Pip - there's still Pip, but she aint in the picture today. hope she's feeling better... :(

I love the laughter and the honesty that goes on in this group. Especially the laughter. I havent had a lesson which I didnt laugh my ass off so far! it makes things so cool and jolly!

I've learnt today that Kiwis don't give half-half hugs like we do in Singapore. When Kiwis hug, they give it to ya full-on! Grab you and squeeze you really tight, smacking their faces right beside yours too! Seriously, each of these aunties came up to me after class today and gave me a giant-kiwi-full-on hug!

I feel so loved!!!! All warm and fuzzy inside!

Aww.. sigh.. these people really made my stay in NZ so enjoyable. They're really the ones who made a difference!

Take care, my dear aunties. I pray for each of you that you may be fantastic social workers and really impact the lives of ours so much!

Love you guys! :)

P.S. For my previous mention of this group of aunties.. click here


  1. -- J e e L e e -- said...

    I'm glad to hear u're enjoying NZ and ur course.
    I'm also happy to see ur new hairdo. I think it makes u more "bear-ish" - which is a good thing btw.


    Have you ever watched Disney's Brother Bear?

    You're like Coda now. U used to be like Kenai. And coda is smallish bear.

    So, that's ur name for now.

    Smallish bear!


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