Okay, once again, for the first time since a week ago, i'm finally able to log in to blogger to blog! weee!!
Haha.. having an unstable internet connection sucks! Big time!! haha.. i shall attempt to post some pics here for u guys about my 2 week road trip! I noe some of u guys are craving for them.. haha..
Argh, ok. the connection is still sucky. tried to load 1 pic.. but it still can't!
Never mind.
Anywayz, for those of you who are still interested to know, I'm doing fine.. Life has been pretty slack.. I basically don't do much every day, and it's reallie good to wake up and slowly think what u wanna do that day.
Oh by the way, as I'm typing this, there's a supermarket workers' strike going on outside my house. (i live 2 mins walk from the supermarket) Apparently, they work for and distribute food to all the supermarkets in New Zealand (see, despite the different brandings, the supermarkets are all the same company after all), and they claim that they're being paid $2 less an hour than the workers in Palmerston North, a city in the North Island, and $1 less an hour than the workers in Auckland.
They want the supermarket to raise their pay immediately, and they haven't worked for more than 2 weeks already. Hmm.. looks like I may run out of food soon..
It's quite funny to see police cars parked outside the supermarket every day.. and the two fat policemen standing outside slacking.. just trying to make sure the demonstrators dun get *yawn* out *yawn* of *yawn* hand *yawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn*.
Haha.. having an unstable internet connection sucks! Big time!! haha.. i shall attempt to post some pics here for u guys about my 2 week road trip! I noe some of u guys are craving for them.. haha..
Argh, ok. the connection is still sucky. tried to load 1 pic.. but it still can't!
Never mind.
Anywayz, for those of you who are still interested to know, I'm doing fine.. Life has been pretty slack.. I basically don't do much every day, and it's reallie good to wake up and slowly think what u wanna do that day.
Oh by the way, as I'm typing this, there's a supermarket workers' strike going on outside my house. (i live 2 mins walk from the supermarket) Apparently, they work for and distribute food to all the supermarkets in New Zealand (see, despite the different brandings, the supermarkets are all the same company after all), and they claim that they're being paid $2 less an hour than the workers in Palmerston North, a city in the North Island, and $1 less an hour than the workers in Auckland.
They want the supermarket to raise their pay immediately, and they haven't worked for more than 2 weeks already. Hmm.. looks like I may run out of food soon..
It's quite funny to see police cars parked outside the supermarket every day.. and the two fat policemen standing outside slacking.. just trying to make sure the demonstrators dun get *yawn* out *yawn* of *yawn* hand *yawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnn*.
And the poor owners of the house directly opposite the place where they are protesting.
They've put up a sign:
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