tri‧chol‧o‧gy [tri-kol-uh-jee]
–noun the science dealing with the study of the hair and its diseases.
- the person one sees when he's losing his hair.
psy·chol·o·gist [sy-kol-uh-jee-st]
psy‧chi‧a‧trist [si-kahy-uh-trist, sahy-]
–noun a physician who practices psychiatry.
- a person one sees when he's depressed cos he thinks he's crazy cos he sees hair in the floortrap in the bathroom every day cos he thinks he's losing his hair.

I should start making those appointments.
–noun the science dealing with the study of the hair and its diseases.
- the person one sees when he's losing his hair.
psy·chol·o·gist [sy-kol-uh-jee-st]
- A person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.
psy‧chi‧a‧trist [si-kahy-uh-trist, sahy-]
–noun a physician who practices psychiatry.
- a person one sees when he's depressed cos he thinks he's crazy cos he sees hair in the floortrap in the bathroom every day cos he thinks he's losing his hair.

I should start making those appointments.
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