I just realised yesterday that I'm a 29 weeks baby. That means I was born at 29 weeks. The full pregnancy term is 40 weeks, for those who're not taking SW2104 Human Development over the Lifespan. Preterm babies are those who are born at or before 37 weeks.
I spent 70 days in the incubator, that's why I'm so dark.
I emerged into the world at 2 pounds (classified as extremely low birth weight - who are statistified to have learning disabilities and low levels of achievement, 50% have to be enrolled into special education programs as their IQ is in the low average range).. 2 pounds is 1kg.. or about half the weight of a normal chicken you would buy at the market/ the weight of a packet of sugar you would buy at the supermarket.
Most Chinese infants have a full-month celebration 1 month after they're born.. but I had a 4-full-months celebration.. cos I didn't make it out of the hospital before that. Yup. That's me.
Children who are chronically sick are shorter than their counterparts who are rarely sick. (Santrock, Life-span Development, pg 228). So to you guys who insisted I should've played more basketball.. quit that crap.. people play basketball cos they're tall, they're not tall cos they played basketball u toot. If jumping for the basket makes u stretch and therefore makes you taller, landing after jumping for the basket will also make you shorter.
I WAS chronically sick, do u even understand the pain that my parents went through seeing a child who coughed like mad on alternate weeks? and had fever on the other alternate weeks? (the cough leads to fever)
They had to pull me out of nursery class, cos the classroom was on the 2nd floor of the school. I was too weak to walk up the stairs.
They survived on a few hundred dollars a month, yet they always bought birds' nest for me, cos it was the only thing that could relieve my chronic cough. Nothing else worked.. it's not like they didn't try alternatives..
Oh man.. who can fathom a parent's love? Who can understand it? Can we ever say to a parent in pain "I know how you feel"?
Seriously. Who has seen a 29 week baby that has survived??? Here is one.
As many say, my life is not my own. In my case, it's literal. I can't be here if not for the grace of God.. and His healing. I mean, i may be fat now, but i've been through army.. shot guns, threw grenades and drove tanks.. I've run a marathon.. I haven't collapsed and died at 2.4 (when much fitter army commandos and rangers have).. I've been to Sarawak and Thailand on mission trips.. and to Banda Aceh on humanitarian efforts.. considering all that background and childhood.. dun you think it's something worth celebrating? :)
Indeed.. my life is not my own. It belongs to God. Because, quite simply, He gave it to me. In fact, the very reason I was born at 29 weeks was because the doctor said if they didn't take me out, both me and my mom would go. I love You, Lord. Thank you for saving me. Help me to give it all back to You.
My life is not my own.
I spent 70 days in the incubator, that's why I'm so dark.
I emerged into the world at 2 pounds (classified as extremely low birth weight - who are statistified to have learning disabilities and low levels of achievement, 50% have to be enrolled into special education programs as their IQ is in the low average range).. 2 pounds is 1kg.. or about half the weight of a normal chicken you would buy at the market/ the weight of a packet of sugar you would buy at the supermarket.
Most Chinese infants have a full-month celebration 1 month after they're born.. but I had a 4-full-months celebration.. cos I didn't make it out of the hospital before that. Yup. That's me.
Children who are chronically sick are shorter than their counterparts who are rarely sick. (Santrock, Life-span Development, pg 228). So to you guys who insisted I should've played more basketball.. quit that crap.. people play basketball cos they're tall, they're not tall cos they played basketball u toot. If jumping for the basket makes u stretch and therefore makes you taller, landing after jumping for the basket will also make you shorter.
I WAS chronically sick, do u even understand the pain that my parents went through seeing a child who coughed like mad on alternate weeks? and had fever on the other alternate weeks? (the cough leads to fever)
They had to pull me out of nursery class, cos the classroom was on the 2nd floor of the school. I was too weak to walk up the stairs.
They survived on a few hundred dollars a month, yet they always bought birds' nest for me, cos it was the only thing that could relieve my chronic cough. Nothing else worked.. it's not like they didn't try alternatives..
Oh man.. who can fathom a parent's love? Who can understand it? Can we ever say to a parent in pain "I know how you feel"?
Seriously. Who has seen a 29 week baby that has survived??? Here is one.
As many say, my life is not my own. In my case, it's literal. I can't be here if not for the grace of God.. and His healing. I mean, i may be fat now, but i've been through army.. shot guns, threw grenades and drove tanks.. I've run a marathon.. I haven't collapsed and died at 2.4 (when much fitter army commandos and rangers have).. I've been to Sarawak and Thailand on mission trips.. and to Banda Aceh on humanitarian efforts.. considering all that background and childhood.. dun you think it's something worth celebrating? :)
Indeed.. my life is not my own. It belongs to God. Because, quite simply, He gave it to me. In fact, the very reason I was born at 29 weeks was because the doctor said if they didn't take me out, both me and my mom would go. I love You, Lord. Thank you for saving me. Help me to give it all back to You.
My life is not my own.
great testimony bro :)
All glory to God!
hallO! blog-surfing led me here. i really like this post of yours. it's so touching! :) and i'm glad you survived. heh. jia you!