Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine

computers computers computers

they say.. it takes a human to err, but a computer to really screw things up..

what a live example today is.. computer cockups really screwed my day lorh

firstly, edgar's camcorder refused to be recognised by my computer, nor any other computer. we were desperately trying to get his video onto the comp for editing.. but then.. sigh..

then came the stupid CORS.. it just basically refused to let anybody in.. sheesh..

and now my new external harddisk is not working.. it's just not running i dunno why.. 14GB of music and 14GB of fotos.. can't access now.. and the worst thing is.. my aceh fotos are in there!! i need to access them to do the mini-proposal to show ZoCards on friday!!! aaaarrrrrgggghhhh... damn sian...

computers really screw things up man. hai... so pissed.. feel like i didn't do anything the whole day.. sheesh


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