It's official. I'm not going to Bangladesh anymore. At least not these holidays. I just don't have people. Every single person tt has shown even remote interest has replied with a 'no' on the 2nd phone call. Owellz.
To be frank, it's sth I foresaw from the very start. I was always clinging on to something in the hope that the trip will finally realise.. but it didn't.. and i'm not sure what I was clinging on to in the first place.. my 'organisational skills', YC's contacts, or even just the glimmer tt I see in peoples' hearts to do something for the needy? I'm not sure.. and I'm not sure now either.
To be frank, I didn't have much skills to start with. So this whole planning experience was great. I learnt so much. Things that I probably wouldn't have learnt until I got down to doing them. To be very honest again.. i also didn't depend on any of YC's contacts.. the contacts i got who actually agreed to help us (MSCS n Rotary Bangladesh) were totally on our own. Wellz.
Not sure how to feel now. Not too disappointed cos i think i foresaw this from day one. Or perhaps I'm just blocking my heart from feeling disappointed. As in choosing to numb myself. Not sure. Hope that when we eventually do go, we'll do a good job.
Hobbit, dun b disappointed too k. Perhaps what's not meant to be is what's not meant to be. Or perhaps, if we go according to Lam's theory, the power of dreams is not powerful enuff. Dunno.
I wonder at times what the Lord is trying to teach me. Perhaps it's patience. Perhaps it's about faith. But He who started a good work in me will be faithful to bring it to completion.
But for now, I'm dreaming of something else. Dreaming to going around Asia, spending simple time with poor children, giving candy, singing songs, making Milo for them, playing London Bridge.. and taking beautiful photos of these kids.. just travelling around with a small group of wonderful friends, learning and experiencing life. Wonderful.
Will it come to reality?
It's official. I'm not going to Bangladesh anymore. At least not these holidays. I just don't have people. Every single person tt has shown even remote interest has replied with a 'no' on the 2nd phone call. Owellz.
To be frank, it's sth I foresaw from the very start. I was always clinging on to something in the hope that the trip will finally realise.. but it didn't.. and i'm not sure what I was clinging on to in the first place.. my 'organisational skills', YC's contacts, or even just the glimmer tt I see in peoples' hearts to do something for the needy? I'm not sure.. and I'm not sure now either.
To be frank, I didn't have much skills to start with. So this whole planning experience was great. I learnt so much. Things that I probably wouldn't have learnt until I got down to doing them. To be very honest again.. i also didn't depend on any of YC's contacts.. the contacts i got who actually agreed to help us (MSCS n Rotary Bangladesh) were totally on our own. Wellz.
Not sure how to feel now. Not too disappointed cos i think i foresaw this from day one. Or perhaps I'm just blocking my heart from feeling disappointed. As in choosing to numb myself. Not sure. Hope that when we eventually do go, we'll do a good job.
Hobbit, dun b disappointed too k. Perhaps what's not meant to be is what's not meant to be. Or perhaps, if we go according to Lam's theory, the power of dreams is not powerful enuff. Dunno.
I wonder at times what the Lord is trying to teach me. Perhaps it's patience. Perhaps it's about faith. But He who started a good work in me will be faithful to bring it to completion.
But for now, I'm dreaming of something else. Dreaming to going around Asia, spending simple time with poor children, giving candy, singing songs, making Milo for them, playing London Bridge.. and taking beautiful photos of these kids.. just travelling around with a small group of wonderful friends, learning and experiencing life. Wonderful.
Will it come to reality?
Hey bro (This is for Hobbit too). Don't put yourself through unnecessary trouble. From my p.o.v, it is much easier to commit people to humanitarian work when it only involves children, because all the children ever do is bring happiness and joy to our lives. The subject broached for Bangladesh, however, is far more serious, and terrifying. People simply cannot be convinced of it by us. They have to be convinced only by themselves. And about travelling around Asia and helping kids and such, I hope that I'm on that friends' list :) Nothing I'd rather do.