Don't Waste Your Life

Life's a journey - don't forget to unpack.

Where it all meets

Perhaps then, it is at the cross of Christ that we find what we crave for most deeply in this world. Love and sacrifice, justice and mercy, faithfulness and grace. It is at the cross of Christ that all these meet, and if we dig deep enough into the core of our being, we will find that these are the things we will live and die for. - Me

To you, my reader. :)

There, look on me, so that you may not praise me beyond what I am; there, believe me, not others, about myself; there, attend to me and see what I have been in myself, through myself. - St Augustine


Phew at long last it's over... and with that last sentence abt how sumo has changed by being broadcast on ESPN n allowing a Hawaiian yokozuna.. i bring to a nice comma to one of the most crazy times of my life.

I say comma (n not fullstop) bcos this has been one of the craziest and most trying times of my life.. while i hesitate to classify it as full-blown hardship, it still is nevertheless a difficult period. 14 hour days in the central library make me wanna bang my head on the wall.. perhaps next sem i shuld look for somewhere else to study..

In a very real sense, the comma is so that now i can take a breather and then move on to the stuff tt's just as impt, if not more impt, than exams. after visiting aceh, kinda feel that exams are not everything, and we need to be doing more, for humanity n for the Lord, for the very real people in my life who are living very real lives.. lives that i cannot shut out juz by going to the library for a whole month.. lives that cry out each time i turn on my MSN, lives tt go "di-di" each time i turn on my handphone, lives that reach out each time i walk up to that walking aid - the hands that reach out to try and hug me, lives that i meet each time time i go to church and see my dear brothers and sisters, lives that i love each time i study in the library with my very true and very real friends who are so willing to comfort me in my time of need. Lives. Real lives. Waiting to be lived. If only I could respond more to need and less to my own needs. More to the needs of others, discovering my call by seeing the need, and not looking inward.

Lord, teach me to give my life, to those who love You, those who need You and even those who hate You. Father, send me. Across the street or around the world, to share the burdens that You bore for this world.


  1. Vignesh said...

    Too true. There's gotta be more to life than exams. I guess we saw that only too well in Aceh. We really gotta step out of our comfort zones. Lemme know about any community service ur doin. I want in. Other than that, I luv u too bro! :) PMS rocks!

  2. pp said...

    well said bro. Speaks the cry of my heart too. How i pray i could live it out. But we're all learning, by His grace and love we live.

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