It was a beautiful friendship. Leon grew up with Derek. They knew each other like the back of their hands. If they went to eat late night fried bee hoon together, Leon knew Derek would always order chicken wings. Derek always ordered Coke for Leon. No need to ask. Confirm.
I mean, they were so close. Whenever Leon had a crush on a girl, Derek could tell even before Leon talked about her. Leon knew never to call after 12mn, cos Derek would without fail be asleep by then. But he also knew he could call anytime. U get wat i mean??
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But i mean, as we all have been seeing. Coffins aren't made for the old. They're made for the dead. Somehow Leon contracted an incurable form of illness. It was a tough time. Being only 20 and knowing that life isn't that resilient after all. Sometimes, it's hard to tell which is suckier. Watching yourself waste away, or watching your fren go..
It was a great day. A day of hope, yet also one of chaos. Doctors found out something new: They could save Leon. But it'd cost Derek all he had: his life. Don't ask me about the medical procedures, i don't understand. (i'm a social worker, remember?)
Derek considered and thought. Would he die for his friend? Would he give up his own dreams, so that Leon could live them? It was too difficult. If only there was a way. To heal Leon without him having to die himself.
Leon went. Derek continued. He sometimes thought, 'what if I had given to Leon what he needed? Was our friendship never enough?'
Perhaps then indeed. What is love if there is no complete giving of the self? A man giving his life for his friend, is there any greater love than that? If I could save my friend and yet save myself, and I did that, would it be love at all? Or would it be convenience? A 7/11 kind of love?
I mean, they were so close. Whenever Leon had a crush on a girl, Derek could tell even before Leon talked about her. Leon knew never to call after 12mn, cos Derek would without fail be asleep by then. But he also knew he could call anytime. U get wat i mean??
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But i mean, as we all have been seeing. Coffins aren't made for the old. They're made for the dead. Somehow Leon contracted an incurable form of illness. It was a tough time. Being only 20 and knowing that life isn't that resilient after all. Sometimes, it's hard to tell which is suckier. Watching yourself waste away, or watching your fren go..
It was a great day. A day of hope, yet also one of chaos. Doctors found out something new: They could save Leon. But it'd cost Derek all he had: his life. Don't ask me about the medical procedures, i don't understand. (i'm a social worker, remember?)
Derek considered and thought. Would he die for his friend? Would he give up his own dreams, so that Leon could live them? It was too difficult. If only there was a way. To heal Leon without him having to die himself.
Leon went. Derek continued. He sometimes thought, 'what if I had given to Leon what he needed? Was our friendship never enough?'
Perhaps then indeed. What is love if there is no complete giving of the self? A man giving his life for his friend, is there any greater love than that? If I could save my friend and yet save myself, and I did that, would it be love at all? Or would it be convenience? A 7/11 kind of love?
In my opinion, there can be no greater love than that of one willing to lay his life down for a friend. That said, however, would not the other friend wish that there'd be a solution which would be a win-win situation?
It's a fact that nobody acts with anything more than selfish reasons nowadays, and to have a friend who you can depend upon and trust completely is one of the greatest blessings a man can receive in life. Such love removes the ego and its selfishness, making people think of others first.
Supposing that these were ideal friends, the beacons of piety, friendship and all things nice.
Would the friend, surviving due to this gift of life, ever get over his own selfishness in wanting, nay, even allowing his friend to think of this sacrifice? The guilt would be overwhelming. The ideal stricken friend would want to let his friend live on. The paragon of virtue who is struck down would rather die than wish his fate on another. Whether one lives or dies is not a choice but an acceptance, when it comes down to the crux of the matter. Life is precious, I agree, but not at the cost of another.
I wouldn't ask anyone to sacrifice anything for my sake. Not a dime.
But for my friends, I'd think that I'd do almost anything.